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Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Temple of the Chan Family malaysia

Chan See Shu Yuen Temple is a finest example of southern Chinese architecture in Malaysia. The temple is built between 1897 and 1906 and some of its magnificent features are pottery-tiled roof and gables as well as specially crafted ceramics depicting mythological scenes . Several pillars supporting the temple bear images of warriors battling lions and mythical creatures. The edges of the temple are blue ceramic vases while standing on either side of the main entrance are shrines to the female and male guardians of the doorway. The smell of incense burning permeate throughout the temple.

The temple was originally built as a clan association, representing families bearing the related names of Chan, Chen, or Tan and is dedicated to the family ancestor. The clan founders are depicted at the central altar of the temple. You can also see some of the deceased black and white pictures of the clan members above the altar on the right and left of the temple. Some of these pictures look hand drawn and it look kind of freaky as the image is extremely real life.

If you are bearing the surname of Chan, Chen or Tan, you probably can find out more about the history of your ancestor at this temple. The temple is located on Petaling Street. As such, you can visit the temple during the day. When the night comes, you can head out to the Petaling Streets. The temple can be accessed from the Pasar Seni LRT station which takes about 10 to 20 minutes of walk.

Chan See Shu Yuen Temple, Kuala Lumpur
Chan See Shu Yuen Temple, Kuala Lumpur
Chan See Shu Yuen Temple, Kuala Lumpur
Chan See Shu Yuen Temple, Kuala Lumpur

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